Pug Sleeping

Pug Sleeping Habits – Crucial Things to Keep in Mind

Pug Sleeping Habits – Crucial Things to Keep in Mind

Any Pug owner will agree that this breed is a lazy one. These dogs tend to sleep more than other breeds.  

But do you know what it’s normal for a Pug to spend 10 to 14 hours a day on their dreamland? They even snore, snort and make some weird noises that may sound ridiculous to you. Some might say they are lazy.  

But, Pugs are not lazy. They are interactive creatures that enjoy playing at any time. Yet, these dogs are curious and emotional, striving for your attention most of the time.  

Learn about your Pug sleeping habits to understand their health better.  

In this article, I will have answers to some questions about the sleeping habits of Pugs.

How Many Hours Should Pugs Sleep?

The sleeping time of Pugs varies on their age:  

Pug Newborns

Baby Pugs need a lot of sleep for their growth. On average, a newborn Pug can sleep up to 22 hours a day. They only wake up to eat and go to the bathroom.  

From the third week and on, Pug newborn pups will grow as their vision and hearing develop. So does their curiosity. Pug puppies at this stage will spend time playing with their littermates and exploring their world.  

Once the Pug puppies open the eyes, they will reduce their sleeping hours to 20 to 22 hours a day.

Pug Puppies

In the first couple of months, Pug puppies will sleep in between 18 to 20 hours. They spend the rest of the time eating and exploring their world.  

I call this the “cutest milestone” as the pups will execute their silly personality. From 3 weeks old, the puppies will roam around their area, hopping on their paws, sniffing, and chewing.  

From 6 months old, the pup will sleep like an adult Pug.

Adult Pugs 

Pug Snoozing

Pugs from 6 months old sleep even less. They spend more time socializing, exploring the world, and shadowing you.  

They will sleep roughly around 14 hours a day; that includes nighttime snoozing of 8-9 hours.  

During the day, Pugs spend around 4-5 hours napping after being in high gear. 

Senior Pugs

Old Pug dogs need extra hours to rest as they reduce activities. During the day, a senior Pug may nap more than when they were young. In particular, they may fall asleep earlier than they used to.

How Many Hours Should Normal Pugs Sleep?

A puppy Pug can sleep for more than 20 hours. But as the dog ages, it’s not normal to sleep more than 17 hours unless the pooch is sick.  

Your Pug sleep habits may differ from others. But when compared to other breeds, Pugs sleep much more.  

Usually, a healthy Pug spends 9 hours for his nocturnal sleep. But if the Pug adapts to your sleeping hours, they may go to bed and wake at the same time as you do.  

Then, in the daytime, the dog may snuggle on the couch and catch a few naps for some hours. This is entirely normal.  

Pugs sleep more than enough.  

There are a variety of reasons for oversleeping in Pugs. If your grown Pug naps more than 5 hours a day, this can be a problem. 

The Possibilities Are:


You have to leave for work, and nobody is home with your Pug dog. Pugs demand a lot of attention from you. They need you around to spend up their energy.  

If a Pug falls into boredom, he will nap to wait for you. Sleeping this much is not healthy.  

That said, Pugs are not dogs to be left alone. They tend to sleep through the lonely hours. You can invest in some automatic interactive toys. But without your participation, Pugs are unlikely to get up.  

You may think of having another pet to keep your Pug occupied while you’re out. However, be aware. This could result in inside destruction. At least they won’t be sleeping!


  • A dog sitter: You can pay for a dog caretaker to look after the Pug when you’re at work. Alternatively, ask help from a friend or a relative to drop by twice a day.  
  • Daycare dog service: This kind of service will walk your dog 1-2 hours a day and play with the pup if you are busy  
  • Fitness robot: This toy is a bit costly but may worth it as it keeps your Pug interactive without your presence. You can schedule the time for the bot to run and trigger your dog to play.
  • Ball dispenser: This auto-dispenser can be a playmate for the Pug. But make sure you train your dog to use the machine before putting it to work.  


Sleeping Overweight Pug

Obesity can make Pugs more sedentary. As a result, it’s difficult for an obese Pug to get up and interact.  

Without much exercise, an overweight Pug tends to sleep more to deal with the boredom.  


You definitely need a vet’s help to make changes in the dog’s diet and daily routine. Also, you will get consulted on the exercises appropriate for an obese Pug.  

Low to no exercises  

Being lazy and not exercising is a bad habit which you should not form at the beginning of his young life.  

Instead, it would be best if you encouraged your Pug dog to romp and play rather than lounging on the sofa.  

It’s easy to get a Pug to join the activity with you. Pugs are dogs that love to make their owner happy. That means you are the motivation.  

So, take the fetch to the backyard and start a game.

Poor Diet

Like people, Pugs become weak when consuming low-quality food, too many treats, and excessive fatty foods.

If you fill your Pug with junk food, he’s likely to get fat while lacking nutrients. With insufficient nutrition, Pugs can’t be active and energetic for other activities.

And when a Pug doesn’t feel dynamic, he sleeps to overcome the dullness.


It’s easy. Feed your Pug with high-quality food recipes for Pugs. It doesn’t mean you have to buy the most expensive kibble bag but get ones with a high-nutrition formula.  

As Pugs are prone to obesity, you should consider low fat, sugar, and calorie food.


Sleeping 2

As a part of the shadowing habit, Pugs tend to mimic you in the sleeping routine. That means, if you sleep, the pooch will drift off with you.  

So, if your sleeping schedule is chaotic, that will apply to your Pug too.


This can be an advantage when your Pug tries to mirror you. Be awake during the day to play with your Pug. Play with him and help him use up his energy while giving him attention. Then, you can allow him to nap for an hour or so. Then, repeat the playtime.


Sleeping is an integral part of healing. So, no wonder why Pugs, or any dog, would sleep through if they get sick.  

It’s reasonable for your Pug dog to sleep more than usual. However, you should keep an eye on your Pug pup and wake him up on his mealtime. Your Pug also needs to be up to visit the vet and take medicine.


A visit to your animal clinic is a must when your Pug is not feeling well. While under-recovery, your Pug needs a lot of time to rest, let him sleep, and wake him up for food.  

Pug Sleeping Troubles


While some Pugs sleep soundly while dreaming at night, others struggle to sleep. Some owners find their puppy Pugs stay awake and howl out of isolation. Many of them feel insecure in a new home. However, other Pugs are awake and whine because they have enough sleep all day.  

Other than that, there are several care elements involved in Pug sleeping troubles.  

Bad bed  

The fact is Pugs are prone to hips and back issues. That’s why they need a snug and cozy bed to support their body correctly.  

Don’t leave your Pug to sleep on the couch because this will cause chronic pains to the joints in the long run. So, it’s best to choose a bed stuffed with an orthopedic memory foam base for the sake of the dog’s lifetime.  

More than that, choose a bed that resists mold and dust mites. This helps your Pug sleep without disturbance.  


Switching from the breeder/shelter to the new home is likely to be an unsleepable reason. Besides, temperature changes also cause your Pug to lose sleep.  

Respiratory problem  

Breathing problems are common in Pugs due to their flat-wrinkled face. It’s no surprise when you catch your Pug snoring in his sleep.  

But with sleep apnea, a Pug will stop breathing for up to 20 seconds. This causes sleep deprivation. This leads to health troubles and misbehavior in the long run.


Do Pugs have REM?

It’s been proven that dogs have short REM (rapid eye movement sleep) cycles and SWS (slow-wave or deep sleep), just like humans. The REM stage is a deep sleep where dogs may dream. That said, don’t worry if you see your Pug wagging his tail, galloping, even woofing in their sleep.  

However, Pugs are not heavy sleepers. They may sleep many hours a day, but they don’t seem to enter the deep state of sleep.  

Why do Pugs Snore in their Sleep?

Pugs or any dogs of brachycephalic breeds snore when they sleep due to the skull’s flatter shape. That affects the construction of the nostril, making it hard for the air to flow.  

Lethargy in Pugs? What is it?

It’s hard to tell what causes lethargy. They could be sleepy, or they could be sick. But if you notice that your Pug sleeps through the day and lacks appetite, he is probably ill.

Do Pugs Suffer Insomnia?

Yes. When Pugs are restless at night, that means they have insomnia. The reasons vary from changes in the environment, diet, illness to uncomfortable bedding.  

If you want to know the source of insomnia in your Pug, take some time to observe. The likely causes can be:  

  • Discomfort from injury or sickness  
  • Depression, anxiety  
  • Too much snoozing during the day  
  • Hyper-alertness
  • Being removed from the family
  • Arthritis (in senior Pugs) 

What to do When I Know My Pug is Not Sleeping Well?  

A healthy Pug should sleep well at night and nap during the day. But if your Pug is struggling to fall asleep, you should:  

  • Address the underlying cause
  • Make sure she gets enough exercise during the day
  • Supply melatonin
  • Give a massage
  • Tuck the dog in 
  • Use aromatherapy for sleep
  • Keep a relaxing rest spot 
Sleeping 1

Closing Thought

It’s super helpful to get to know your Pug sleeping habits.  

As sleeping is essential for all creatures, it’s essential to ensure that your Pug has a goodnight’s sleep. This way, he has enough energy to join you for the rest of the day.  

Having a good sleep is also crucial for Pugs’ health as the breed is prone to several diseases.  

At the end of the day, don’t forget to provide your Pug a lot of your attention as well as love. Your Pug loves to be your shadow and is easy to train. So, have a healthy routine and lifestyle for your Pug. This makes for a happy Pug all the time.

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