Destructive Pug Puppy Chewing: 6 Tips to Get Your Puppy to Stop
Yay! You finally got your little guy or girl home, and you’re ready to take on the role of being a real Pug parent. You’ve had dreams of walks in the park, playing with toys, teaching fun tricks, and more.
However, on Day One, you look over to find your shoes, a shadow of their former selves due to Pug puppy chewing. While you were thinking about fun times, reality set in. You weren’t ready for destructive Pug puppy chewing.
But wait! Don’t get angry and scold your puppy.
Let’s learn why Pug puppies chew, what to do about it and what not to do.
Why Pug Puppies Chew
Puppy chewing is natural. Dogs are curious, especially puppies. They love to explore the world. They do this by taste and putting things in their mouth.
They don’t have hands to either carry things around or to feel something.
Although you may think he loves the taste of your $200 shoes, he’s feeling it with his mouth.
So it is normal for puppies to chew on things. But, we don’t need to let them destroy the house and your belongings.
Also, your Pug puppy won’t outgrow these behaviors. You must teach him what’s acceptable and what is not permitted.
And, of course, there’s teething. Pug puppies usually go through teething twice. The first time is when the baby teeth come through. The second time is when their permanent teeth are replacing their baby teeth.
Around age 3 to 8 weeks, their little needle-like teeth come in. Ouch! Teething continues until 4 to 6 months, when their adult teeth replace their milk teeth.
When these 42 adult teeth come in, it is very uncomfortable for your Pug puppy. His gums will hurt, and he wants to chew on everything due to the pain.
One of the main reasons that puppies chew is because of teething.
There are other reasons that Pug puppies chew on things. They could be bored, feeling stress, or separation anxiety. Puppies also teeth just as a way of exploring their world.
Whatever the reason, puppy chewing must be limited. You and I need to give our Pug puppies the right things to chew.

6 Tips to Stop your Inappropriate Pug Puppy Chewing
1. Have the Right Toys and Chews
Chew toys reduce a puppy’s boredom and ease teething pain. Make sure the dog toys and chews are safe.
You’ll notice that at the pet store, there are many colorful stuffed animal dog toys. There are pandas, squirrels, raccoons, and ducks. Who doesn’t want all those cute stuffed animals at their home?
But are they safe? How long will it take your Pug puppy to chew off that plush ear or tail or tear out the squeaker? These plush toys and that squeaker can be a choking hazard and a trip to the emergency vet.
Buy safe toys. Safe toys have sturdy fabric, reinforced seams. You know, the kind of toys you would imagine big hunting dogs playing with. Make sure the toys you buy are durable. Your Puppy may only weigh 5 lbs, but she still can be a puppy chewing machine.
Be careful with rubber toys. Although they look sturdy enough, puppy chewing may lead to shredded pieces. Your Pug could swallow these pieces or choke on them.
Although your old shoes might be sturdy enough to substitute for a puppy chew, don’t give your Pug puppy these. Old shoes and socks can cause your Pug puppy confusion. She won’t know which shoes are for chewing and which are off-limits.
There is nothing more fun than watching your Pug puppy tear through the living room with a shoe or a sock. They have that proud mischievous look on their face. Don’t laugh. It only encourages the antics in the future.
Be sure to keep your Pug puppy interested in his toys. Rotate chew toys out, so he doesn’t get bored.
What are the Best Kinds of Chews?

Many people give their dogs Nylon bones. They’ are durable, won’t get torn up into shreds, and do not damage your Pug puppy’s teeth. If your Pug puppy is a big chewer, he can eventually wear down this bone, and you may need to replace it.
Many dogs get bored with Nylon bones because they are not edible and do not smell like food. Some say they are too hard, and your Pug puppy may break her teeth. Talk to your veterinarian, and you decide.
Avoid antlers, hooves, animal bones, and other hard chews. They sell these in pet stores, usually at a very high price. Your pug puppy could break her teeth.
Also, don’t give your Pug puppy rawhide and pig’s ears for puppy chewing. When dogs chew on these items, they become soft. They can get stuck in the digestive tract or their esophagus.
Besides being a choking hazard, they can harbor all kinds of bacteria that are not good for your Pug puppy.
Always watch your Pug dog. Please don’t leave him alone or leave home when he has a chew. You never know when that Nylon bone that has never been a problem and end up in shreds. Whenever I leave my house, even for a few minutes, I check around to make sure there is nothing my Pugs can choke on.
I have found bully sticks to be the best option for puppy chewing. They’re natural and hard enough that they can’t get soft or shred.
In the past, I felt like I wasted so many bully sticks. They aren’t cheap. When they get smaller, they could swallow and choke on the stick. So when they would get down to about 1 ½ inches, I had to throw them away.
I tried out a bully stick holder and I’ve been happy with the results. As always, I keep an eye on my Pugs when they have bully sticks, but I’m not as worried about them swallowing them. Also, I’ve saved a lot of money because they can chew them down further.
2. Put Away Anything Your Puppy Can Chew On
Cut puppy chewing troubles by puppy-proofing your house. Put away kid’s toys, socks, shoes, the TV remote, pens, paperclips, cell phones, and eyeglasses. Your Pug puppy could choke on small toys or socks.
Ingesting certain kinds of medicines or plants could be deadly. Be sure that plants are out of reach. I have a couple of spider plants that I’ve had to move into another room that my Pugs can’t get to. They loved to chew on the spindly leaves. Although spider plants are not poisonous, they can’t be that good for them. Also, I want my spider plants to continue to look beautiful.
Ingesting certain kinds of medicines or plants could be deadly. Be sure that plants are out of reach.
These images are Diffenbachia, Aloe Vera, Jade, and Elephant Ear plants.
I have a couple of spider plants that I’ve had to move into another room that my Pugs can’t get to. They loved to chew on the spindly leaves.
Although spider plants are not poisonous, they can’t be that good for them. Also, I want my spider plants to continue to look beautiful.
Make sure your Pug puppy cannot get into the trash. For your Pug, the garbage may smell wonderful. There are plenty of puppy chewing opportunities. We all know how dangerous this can be. There can be anything from bones to coffee grinds. Although some of the trash probably wouldn’t hurt him, no one wants to come home to a mess like that.
You’re going to keep your house clutter-free.
Don’t forget about the electric cords. Why do Pug puppies love to chew on electrical cords?!! Unplug your electric cords when you’re not using them. Watch your Pug puppy when they are plugged in. To be on the safe side, check out cord protectors for dogs.
I even bought socket protectors. Pugs can do strange things. Lulu loves to smell the electrical outlets!
Don’t let your Pug puppy or dog go into the bathroom by himself. Generally, there are cleaning products in there that could be chewed on or ingested. Another fun thing for puppy chewing is toilet paper—fun for the moment (for your Pug), but quite a mess.

3. Give Your Pug Puppy Attention
Your Pug puppy can only learn the rules of the house when she’s with you.
The great thing about Pug puppies and Pug dogs is they make sure their own needs are met. Don’t worry that you are not giving them enough attention. If that happens, they will surely let you know. They’re very good at placing themselves right in front of you so you won’t forget them.
Be sure to give them plenty of attention, so boredom doesn’t set in. Pugs start chewing on forbidden things when they need attention.
Pug puppy chewing happens when they are exploring their surroundings. They aren’t trying to be “bad.”
They put things in their mouths to check it out. The next thing you know, you have a puppy chewing on your coffee table leg.
Not only do you not want your belongings ruined, but you also want to keep your Pug puppy safe. How many times have we heard stories about a dog or puppy eating a sock or small object?
After a large vet bill, the owners are relieved their dog is okay.
Supervise your Pug to avoid puppy chewing. I started closing the doors to rooms that had carpeting when my Pugs were not potty trained. Although they are potty trained now, I still keep the doors closed to keep an eye on them. You know that feeling. They wander off into another room, and it is “too quiet.” They’re probably doing something they’re not supposed to be. This includes puppy chewing.
Use baby gates to keep your Pug puppy out of certain areas. My Pugs are 2 and 3 years old. I still have a gate, so they can’t get into a small room where I leave all my shoes when I come into the house. Some puppy chewing continues even when they are adult dogs.
4. Contain Your Pug When You Leave the House

If you have to go to work or the store, keep your Pug puppy confined while gone. If your Pug puppy is not potty trained yet, it is best to crate him.
Suppose he is potty trained, section off a small room using dog gates or an exercise playpen. I like to use a playpen because it gives my Pug plenty of room for her bed, water, and a safe toy she can play with or chew on. As always, make sure the toy is durable to avoid your Pug puppy chewing it apart.
Swallowing bits of a toy is dangerous.
The kitchen is a great place to contain your Pug puppy as generally there is no carpet.
A Pug puppy with full access to the house can injure himself or get into a lot of trouble with his puppy chewing.
Remember, Pug puppies under five months old should not be put in a crate for longer than four hours. They generally cannot hold their bladders and bowels longer than that.

5. Offer a Swap
When you see your Pug puppy chewing on something he’s not supposed to be, say “no” or my favorite, “eh.”
This only works when you catch your Pug puppy chewing on something, not after the fact. Once you have his attention, offer a toy or dog chew instead. Then let your puppy know with pets and praise that he is doing the right thing.
When you offer something more valuable, such as a delicious edible chew. Also, use the command “drop it” when they let go of the item to take the other replacement thing. Over time, they will learn that “drop it” means to let go of something.
Be careful. I don’t know who said Pugs weren’t that smart, but they are. When my Pugs and I go for a walk through the woods, they have a terrible habit of picking up small pieces of wood to eat. I say, “drop it,” which they do, and then I give them a small piece of kibble. Over time, they learned to pick up the small item, look at me, and wait for me to reach in my treat bag. They then drop the stick or small piece of wood or stick.
I felt like I trained them to pick something up, spit it out and get a treat. I had to start mixing that up. Sometimes I would give a treat and sometimes just praise.
Puppy chewing also occurs because he is teething. Freeze a wet washcloth. Swap out the “off-limits” item for the frozen washcloth. This washcloth will relieve their gums.

6. Exercise Daily
Pugs win the prize for being #1 Couch Potatoes, but they still need exercise. This is true for Pug puppies also.
Boredom is a common reason for unwanted puppy chewing behavior.
If your Pug puppy is bored, he will find something to do to entertain himself. You probably won’t like the results. One result is destructive puppy chewing.
To prevent destructive puppy chewing, give him plenty of mental and physical stimulation.
Did you know you can start training a Pug puppy at eight weeks? So when you bring your Pug puppy home, begin potty training and basic commands like sit and stay. This offers the mental stimulation he needs.
A tired dog will help your Pug puppy stay out of trouble. Pugs are not the type of dog that needs tons of exercise; to begin with, so take it easy when exercising your Pug puppy.
When you first bring your Pug puppy home, start with a fetch in the house, or train him to walk on a leash. Increase the activity as he can tolerate it. As always, be mindful of his breathing.
Another idea is agility training. Will your Pug puppy be flying through hoops or running through a complicated obstacle course? Probably not, but you can get him to use his brain by teaching him to step over a broom handle a few inches off the ground.
Play with Your Pug Puppy
Most importantly, spend time playing and exercising with your Pug puppy a few times per day. It reinforces your bond with your Pug puppy. Play also burns up some of that energy used for puppy chewing and other unwanted behaviors.
A tired dog is a good dog! Play with your Pug puppy every day. Make exercising fun.
And praise your Pug puppy for doing the right thing—praise for chewing the right things. Praise, don’t yell.

What Not To Do
If you come home and find a chewed up shoe, do not yell or punish your Pug puppy. Your puppy will associate the punishment with what he is doing at that time.
For example, let’s say you come home and your puppy is happy to see you. You see the chewed up shoe and yell at him. Next time you come home, he may be a little apprehensive with the cheerful greeting. He will associate the yelling with that cheerful greeting.
Let’s say you scold your Pug puppy about the chewed up remote control. He gives you that “guilty look,” it seems he understands what he did wrong.
But he doesn’t. That “guilty look” is not guilt. He is trying to show you he is submissive. Dogs become submissive because they feel threatened by your anger, body posture, facial expressions, and tone of voice.
If you find your puppy actively chewing on an object, don’t chase him! After all, chasing your Pug puppy may mean, “Woo Hoo! We’re having fun now!”
Don’t crate your Pug for extended periods, and certainly don’t muzzle to prevent puppy chewing. Remember the old days when farmers would tie a chicken around the dog’s neck. We all know that it was abusive and never worked.
As I said earlier, say “no” or “eh” in a low tone that he might expect to hear from his Pug Mommy and offer something else to swap.

You can’t stop puppy chewing, but you can teach him which items are okay to chew on. Pug puppies need to chew as they are teething and to satisfy their natural curiosity.
Buy the right dog toys and dog chews. Intervene when you find your puppy chewing on something not meant for him. Keep him mentally and physically active.
Most importantly, give him plenty of positive attention. This is what Pug dogs and Pug puppies crave. They are bred to be companion dogs. Make sure your Pug puppy is part of your family. Pay attention to him, and keep an eye on your Pug baby to stop that puppy chewing and other mischiefs.