Pug Face: What's Not to Love? It Also Needs Extra Loving Care!
Let’s face it. A Pug Face is the cutest in the world. Those little squishy, adorable faces are what draws us to Pugs. It attracts everyone to Pugs. You will get many compliments about how adorable your Pug is.
Not true for all dogs. You will hear beautiful things about your Pug’s face, but not so true for a German Shepherd.
You will even hear the “compliment,” “He’s so ugly he’s cute.” As Pug owners, we don’t see the “ugly” side of a Pug face, but be nice. Some non-Pug people don’t understand the high status of our Pugs.
Just looking at that cute, round face makes us feel better. When we look at the face of a human baby, a switch goes on in our brain. That switch makes us want to care for and protect the baby. Our “feel-good” light goes on.
That same switch goes on when we look at a round Pug face. We want to care for our babies. The dopamine goes on. Dopamine is otherwise known as the “feel-good hormone.
However, that cute little unique Pug face also needs some special care.
But what do we need to know to take care of our special baby-faced Pugs? Although they are so darn cute, their face is different than most dogs. Care is different also for our Pug’s face.

The Basics of the Pug Face
The Pug face is round, broad, with a flat top, and has numerous wrinkles on the forehead, but without a groove on the skull. Like most brachycephalic, the muzzle is short and flattened. This gives it a “baby face.”
The Pug face is adorable, but it also compacts the muzzle into a very short space. Think about the nose on a Greyhound. They have noses that are long and slender. Thus, they can race without any breathing problems.
Please don’t race Pugs unless it’s a short race to the refrigerator.
This squashed muzzle also causes Pugs to snore when they breathe (called stridor). Sometimes their snoring can sound like a purr. Or it can sound like a chain saw if you’re trying to get to sleep at night!
The eyes are round and protruding, often expressing affection, gentleness, and mischief. I actually believe that those gorgeous eyes lead to weight problems in Pugs. When you look at a Pug face, those eyes are saying, “Give me a lot of treats, give me just a small bite of your food, I’m starving even though I ate 5 minutes ago.”
You have to be tough and learn to say no, or you will end up with a very plump Pug.
Its ears are short and can fold back “pink” or bud.
Pug Eyes
The soulful eyes of Pugs make them prone to various problems and diseases. Pug eyes are one of the features that makes a Pug face so alluring.
This is partly because the eyes are larger than most and tend to stand out. They are not as protected as other dog’s eyes. Although the Pug face eyes make them so attractive, it also makes them vulnerable.
A small number of Pugs have an entropy of the eye. The entropy of the eye when the eyelid rolls inward is a condition that requires surgery. Pugs suffering from entropy should not be bred as this genetic disease is inherited. Proper breeding keeps these Pugs at a minimum.
Keratitis pimentos can be a problem. Keratitis pimentos can result from inflammation or irritation of the eye’s cornea. This can result in brown pigmentation and spots in the white of the eye. It is also sometimes caused by the entropy of the eye and can be corrected surgically.
Corneal ulcers and scratches on the eye’s iris are relatively common in Pugs. This is due to their highly prominent eyes. The main symptoms are visible scratches, foggy, and narrowed eyes. Treatment depends on the severity and causes of the disease. It can lead to vision problems and scarring of the cornea if left untreated.
Some Pugs experience Progressive Retinal Atrophy. This is a degenerative vascular disease around the retina. The first sign of the disease is usually night blindness. This can develop into complete blindness. Progressive Retinal Atrophy is an inherited disease. Fortunately, but Pugs are not one of the breeds to generally get this disorder.
Dry eyes is a condition caused by insufficient tears or blocked tear ducts. The symptoms are red, painful eyes and discharge on them. Your veterinarian may prescribe regular moisturizing eye drops. Dry eyes are also known as keratoconjunctivitis.
Dry eyes usually show up from age 4 to 6. Pugs are one of the more susceptible breeds.
Keratopathy syndrome is seen when there is a visible pigmentation line in the middle of the eye. This condition occurs quite often in Pugs and is hereditary. You will need suitable eye drops for treatment to prevent the cornea from drying out.
Cataracts give the eye a milky appearance. It can ultimately lead to blindness if left untreated. Treatment is performed surgically.
I had a Pug many years ago that underwent Cataract surgery. He was much better off after the surgery. But unfortunately, the veterinarian could not perform a lens replacement. His close-up vision was a little blurry after it. He quickly learned to compensate with his other eye.
Distichiasis is a condition when some eyelashes grow into the eye’s interior. This causes irritation, sores, and other problems. Surgical removal with a laser is one way to stop this problem. It also prevents eyelashes from regrowing.
Pug Face and Muzzle

Pugs are brachycephalic dogs, which means that their muzzles are short. They are famous for their typical flattened appearance. This is what makes a Pug face so adorable. However, it can cause various problems, such as shortness of breath. Pugs can overheat in hot weather.
If you see your Pug’s tongue curl up at the end while panting, he is overheated, and it is time to stop, get water, and take a break. This is called a spatulate tongue and is a warning sign that you need to take care of your Pug.
Tongue curling can happen due to excessive exercise or stress.
Many Pugs snore. A snoring Pug indicates an elongated soft palate and airway obstruction. Again, the cute little Pug face makes the airways short.
If snoring is problematic or your Pug has other breathing problems, surgery may be necessary. If a Pug has minimal other issues and is under the age of two, surgery outcomes are good. Make sure your Pug is at a healthy weight before determining if surgery is necessary.
Sometimes we see overweight people walk up a flight of steps and breathe heavily. The same is true for our Pugs.
Work with your vet and get your Pug on a healthy diet. Once his weight is healthy, talk to your vet about surgery again. He may not need it as his breathing won’t be so stressed.
Carry all those extra pounds can make it difficult for our Pugs.
Stenotic nostrils are a common deficiency in brachycephalic dogs. Stenotic nostrils mean that the nasal tissues are particularly soft. If your Pug is breathing through the mouth regularly, he made need surgical correction. Also, watch for frothy nasal discharge. If this happens also, he may require surgery.
The wrinkles of a Pug face are irresistible to most of us. “A Pug face without wrinkles is like a day without sunshine.” Yes, my own quote.
The folds of skin on your Pug’s face should be cleaned daily with a soft, damp cloth and dried thoroughly to prevent bacterial growth and possible infection.
The unique structure of the skull and cute folds on the Pug face is also the reason for the increased risk of developing several diseases in Pugs.
The most vulnerable point of a Pug face is the eyes. And all because there is simply not enough space for them in the skull. The eye’s bony orbit is too small, hence this unique expressiveness of the look, but simply the eyes are rolled out.
Because of this, there is an increased risk of injury. A Pug can scratch its eyes on a dry blade of grass, dust often gets into them, and insects bite them.
Also, Pugs are prone to glaucoma and chronic keratitis (purulent inflammatory eye disease).
Well, under the fold above the nose, with improper care and low immunity, bacteria and fungus will feel great and grow rapidly. As a result, there is an increased risk of developing inflammatory skin diseases.
Folds on the Pug Face

The folds on a Pug face give a unique charm to this friendly breed. But at the same time impose on their owner’s additional care and worries about caring for their pets. The folds on the Pug’s face can cause tenderness and inflammation.
Why Care for Facial Folds
Pugs are curious creatures. Quite often, my Pugs have their little noses into everything. They sniff all the nooks and crannies and all those things they shouldn’t be sniffing.
Thus, the folds collect all kinds of bacteria, food debris, and even eye discharge.
How to Clean Pug Face Folds
Start cleaning folds on your Pug’s face when he is at a very young age. However, even if the dog is not obedient and does not sit quietly during brushing, it cannot be put off. It is necessary to lift the fold gently. Then gently wipe it over the nose and under the eyes with a soft cloth or cotton pad soaked in lotion.
PH-neutral wet wipes can also be used. The movements should be without intense pressure. Yet, they should be repeated until the material or disc is clean.
This action should be carried out as the folds become dirty, approximately once a week. But don’t get carried away either. Frequent washing can negatively affect the Pug’s skin. If the natural lubricant is washed off, the body will begin to produce it with greater intensity.
Drying the Pug Face Skin Folds
Pathogens easily reproduce in the damp depths of the Pug face skin folds. After cleaning, gently dry the area. This will help to prevent yeasts from settling in a damp area.
Pyoderma is a purulent skin disease caused by staphylococci, a bacterium. With this simple form of this disease, the hair follicles and the skin are affected. With the deep condition, muscle tissue and subcutaneous tissue are affected.
The presence of parasites and fungi in the Pug’s body can also cause the development of Pyoderma. You should be concerned if you see bumps (abscesses) in the folds or the Pug face. They may be red and cause itching in your Pug, as well as an unpleasant odor.
Intertrigo is frictional dermatitis that develops from the contact between the skin tissues. As you know, the Pug face has a lot of opportunity for interigo.
The friction of the skin itself is not dangerous. However, be certain that the friction is not excessive. This could result in exposure to pathogenic microorganisms; then, inflammation may begin.
One treatment is to remove excessive folds surgery. Otherwise, you will need to care for them over your Pug’s life. I think most Pug owners would instead perform lifelong supportive therapy. This means cleaning the problem area. This includes keeping it dry and possibly applying prescribed treatment measures.
Care with Otysan

Otysan is a product that is often used on the ears. Manuka honey from Australia or New Zealand is a component of that product. Otysan may also contain other products such as marigold extract, lactic acid.
Manuka honey is excellent for cleansing and nourishing skin folds. Its unique ingredients also promote skin regeneration.
This is a great product for a Pug face. Manuka honey can be found on Amazon. Please read the reviews of the different products. I have never had to use this Manuka honey with my Pugs and can not give any recommendations. If you find one you like, please leave a comment below so others may see what works for Pugs. Let’s make those Pug faces even more beautiful.You can naturally support the regeneration of sensitive areas of your dog’s skin. In breeds with curly tails such as Pugs, please do not forget the rear part.
The nasal fold is a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. Be sure to add extra attention to this area to provide the most outstanding care. Keep the Pug face free from irritation.
Clean the Pug Face Wrinkles
The consistent daily care of Pug wrinkles protects them from unpleasant skin inflammation. It is best to wipe out the wrinkles with a damp cloth gently. And then gently dry them again.
If the skin is heavily soiled, use a gentle shampoo.
The consistent daily care of Pug wrinkles protects them from unpleasant skin inflammation. It is best to wipe out the wrinkles with a damp cloth gently. And then gently dry them again.
If the skin is heavily soiled, a gentle shampoo can help remove it. Simply prepare a mixture of water and dog shampoo and soak the cloth in it (e.g., soft washcloth).
can help remove it. Simply prepare a mixture of water and dog shampoo and soak the cloth in it (e.g., soft washcloth).
There are mainly three steps to clean the wrinkles on the face of Pugs:
Step 1: Start the cleaning process
Choose a cleaning product. You can use a variety of different products to clean your Pug’s facial wrinkles. You may already have some of these products in your home, which can save you a trip to the pet store.
Dogface wipes are the best option. You can order them at a pet store, vet office, or online. If you don’t have dog face wipes, hypoallergenic and hygienic baby wipes can work in a pinch.
Gather other supplies. If you’re not using wipes, you’ll need something to apply your cleaner to.
You can use a thin, clean cotton swab or gauze.
Check the wrinkles before cleaning. Do not clean the wrinkles until you are sure they are free of rashes and sores. You don’t want to clean a Pug’s wrinkles if they are irritated, as it can make the problem worse.
Gently lift the folds and examine the skin in between.
If the skin is red, don’t clean the wrinkles. You should also not clean the wrinkles if there is a strong odor or if you notice sores or a musty smell.
If necessary, add the solution. Unless you’re using wipes, you’ll need to add your cleaning solution to a cotton swab, towel, or gauze. Dab the cloth, swab, or gauze into your cleaning solution.
You only need a small amount of the solution to clean up your Pug’s facial wrinkles.
Step 2: Completing the cleaning process

Clean one side of the dog’s face. Gently lift the skin to access the area between the facial folds. Run the cloth or wipe the length of the folds. Keep wiping the creases until the skin is clean after wiping.
• Be careful. Wiping too hard can irritate your Pug’s skin.
• Use a swiping motion as you wipe the creases.
• Be sure to wipe the entire length of the facial wrinkle.
Clean both sides of the dog’s face. When you’ve cleaned one side of your Pug’s face, repeat the process on the other side. Use the same method as before.
Completely dry off your dog’s skin. Leaving the skin wet between the folds can cause complications. This dramatically increases your dog’s risk of skin irritation, rashes, and infections.
After cleaning the skin between the folds, wipe the skin dry with a clean cloth.
• Use a single sweeping motion again.
• Keep wiping until the wrinkles feel completely dry.
Reward your Pug after grooming it. You want your dog to leave a positive grooming session. If your dog doesn’t like cleaning, they can become distressed during the process. Always make sure to reward your Pug after cleaning his facial wrinkles.
• Give your Pug a treat and praise after you complete the cleaning process.
• You ought to likewise converse with your Pug all through the cycle. Make sure you’re telling him what a great job he is doing for sitting still. That is if you can get him to sit still. Of course, being a Pug owner, you’ll probably tell him he’s doing a great jog – just being a Pug!
Check the wrinkles daily. You may need to clean your dog’s facial wrinkles every day. Pugs are very prone to rashes and infections because of the wrinkles on their faces. Daily cleaning may be necessary for your dog’s health and comfort.
Step 3: Dealing with Complications

Look out for signs of infection. You want to fix a potential infection right away. If there is an infection, you may notice tanning of the skin between the folds. You may likewise see balding and redness.
If infected, a strong, musty odor may come off your Pug’s face. A veterinarian should examine unusual smells.
Get care from a veterinarian. If you see an infection, make an appointment right away. Your veterinarian can help you find a safe treatment plan for your Pug.
• You need to clean the infected area more often. Topical medications may also be required.
• In rare cases, the infected folds of skin may need to be surgically removed.
Take steps to prevent infection. Clean daily to prevent infection.
However, obese Pugs can be more prone to skin infections. If your Pug has ongoing skin irritation problems, talk to your veterinarian.
He may be able to give you advice on how to better clean those folds and the best way to take care of that beautiful Pug face.
If your dog is overweight, speak to your veterinarian about getting your Pug to lose weight. You may need to reduce your dog’s food or increase daily exercise.
Find an experienced veterinarian. Be sure she has the time to take care of your Pug’s unique needs, including taking care of your Pug’s face.
Make sure your Pug is in a good mood. Trying to clean a face with hyper Pugs is next to impossible.
Be patient. A Pug may not like to be cleaned initially but will eventually get used to the process.
You need to make sure that the wrinkles are dry after cleaning; otherwise, all work would be counterproductive.
Never use soap that is not pet friendly.

We all love a Pug face. They certainly don’t look like most long-nosed dogs. But, our cute little Pugs need extra caution and care.
Be aware of their breathing problems due to the shape of their face and head. Also, their large, cute eyes are more prone to disease. They may even get scratched easily.
The cleaning of the folds of a Pug face needs extra care and attention.
You will spend extra time caring for your Pug’s face. You may even have an extra vet visit or two throughout their lifetime. It’s totally worth it; seeing those cute little baby Pug faces every day.
Now go and give your Pug a big kiss on her face!