We Love to Play, Eat, Sleep and Repeat.
About Us | Mimi and Lulu
We are Mimi & Lulu. We’re a couple of kooky pugs. We love to run wild and wrestle with each other. Our Mom is training us, and we’re going along with the whole thing because she keeps giving us treats. Otherwise, we’d be outta there!

Hi. My name is Mimi. I was born on November 4, 2017. You can see from my attractive picture I am a brindle. Yes, I am a REAL Pug!
Favorite Activities: Eating, snacking, chasing balls, chewing on toys, chewing on pillows, pulling those squeakers out of my toys, jumping on my Mom when she’s on the computer, fighting with Lulu.
Favorite Movie: Patrick (like who didn’t see that coming).
Pros of Patrick: It’s a great plot. Romance, comedy and the star of the show is a Pug. And it’s got a happy ending that will bring a tear to your eyes.
Cons of Patrick: It’s an exhausting movie. I’m on the couch, off the couch, barking, running behind the TV looking for Patrick. It’s so realistic I’m certain he’s in my family room no matter how many times I watch it.
Favorite Book: 101 Uses for a Pug.
Pros for 101 Uses for a Pug: This is a smart little coffee table book that educates humans about how great Pugs are. It’s a very imaginative book with great pictures.
Cons for 101 Uses for a Pug: The book is outdated. There are no brindle Pugs. It is mostly fawn Pugs, a couple of apricot and black Pugs. I’m aware the AKC continues to allow only fawn and black Pugs, but I thought the rest of the world was progressive.

Hi. My name is Lulu. I was born on July 2, 2017. I’m a black, kooky Pug. I am not one of those typical chow hound Pugs. You should see the way Mimi eats! It’s embarrassing sometimes.
Favorite Activities: Playing with toys, barking, digging in the couch, and, fighting with Mimi. Most recently I’ve taken up moth eating. Wow! My Mom is really uptight about that hobby!
Favorite Movie: The Secret Life of Pets
Pros of : This is an entertaining film, great characters and the plot moves along quickly. It tugged at my heart-strings many different times. It had a happy ending of course and had a great message in it; getting along when new family members are brought in.
Cons of : Mel the Pug was a great character in this movie. He always had a smile on his face and was doing some really kooky Pug things. The drawbacks are that they underutilized Mel as he is so talented. He should have been on screen more often. Also, they gave the impression that Mel was not that smart! Hollywood. I guess we can’t expect them to know what highly intelligent creatures we are.
Favorite Book: Steampug
Pros for Steampug: Wow! My first chapter book. Steampug is a real page-turner. It’s filled with action, humor, imagination and highly intelligent Pugs! It was a book I got lost in and felt like I was in that fantasy world with those awesome Pugs!
Cons for Steampug: Why did it have to end? Every night I beg my Mom to stay up later, so she can read to me. When the last chapter was finished, I wanted it to keep going. This book was written in 2018 and I pray that the author is working on a “Steampug II.”